What to Do If You’ve Been Injured In A Car Accident

Injured in a Car Accident
There are three important things that you should seek if you’ve been injured in a car accident. The order in which you do these three things will depend on the circumstances surrounding your accident. The best option is to do both on the very day that you’ve been injured in a car accident. Do these three things:
What to Do If You’ve Been Injured In A Car Accident
1. Seek medical attention: If you have been injured in a car accident, the most important thing to do is seek medical attention and documentation of your car accident injuries from a medical professional. This could be an emergency room doctor or nurse, walk-in medical center doctor or nurse, your family physician, or a local chiropractor. Where your accident injury was severe to the point where you were taken from the scene of the car accident in an ambulance, seeking medical attention will be the first thing that you do. However, when you’ve been injured in a car accident and are not so injured that you require an ambulance from the scene, it is important that you seek medical documentation and attention of your car accident injuries as soon as possible. Why? Because your health is the most important aspect of your entire life, and even injuries that seem minor at first could end up becoming much bigger medical problems in the future if not attended to by a professional. Also, documenting your injuries is an important aspect of proving that your injuries resulted from the car accident and not from some other cause.

Car Accident Injury Lawyer
2. Seek legal counsel: If you have been injured in a car accident, another very important thing to do is to seek the advice of a car accident lawyer. By retaining a car accident attorney early on in your claim, you will have an experienced lawyer on your side who knows how to deal with the insurance company. The car accident lawyer will also be able to assist you with getting the appropriate medical attention for your injuries. If you do not have medical insurance, the lawyer will likely know of several local physicians, chiropractors and facilities who will treat you on a lien basis, meaning they wait to take payment until you win your settle your case so that you have the funds to pay them. In addition, the attorney will investigate the car accident to determine who is most likely liable for that car accident. Then, the lawyer will be able to investigate the party that is likely responsible for the accident to determine what type of insurance and assets that party has to pay for your medical expenses and your pain and suffering.
3. Seek legal documentation: If you have been injured in a car accident, a third important thing to do is make sure the accident is legally documented. This means that you have the police to the scene to identify witnesses, take statements and determine if the accident may have resulted from a moving violation (running red light, unsafe lane change, speeding, etc.). In the event the police are called but the police refuse to come to the scene or take a police report, you must get the information of all involved in the accident, including insurance information, driver’s license number, current home address and phone number. In addition, it is important to document the license place number of each person involved in the accident and to inquire into who the registered owner of the automobile is (request that they produce the vehicle registration card). All of this information is useful to help the car accident lawyer investigate the accident completely to expedite the handling of your claim and increasing its value as well.
For Any Type of Car Accident Call Attorney Alexander Napolin For Help!

Orange California Auto Accident Lawyer
If you have been involved in any type of car accident, big or small, it is important that you obtain medical attention, legal documentation and the counsel of a car accident attorney. By doing these things, you will ensure that you are compensated for your injuries to the maximum extent possible so that you can recover from the accident and move on with a productive and happy life. If in the event you were recently injured in a car accident and did not accomplish the above important tasks, you should call a car accident lawyer immediately for advice on what to do next.
Car accident attorney Alexander Napolin will explain what to do if you’ve been injured in a car accident recently. Mr. Napolin can be reached at 1 (714) 265-7526 and will consult with you for free over the phone or in person about your car accident injury case. Or, fill out a case evaluation form at AutoAccidentLawyerOC.com and Mr. Napolin will call you back within 2 hours! In the event, after speaking with Mr. Napolin, you are confident that he is the right man for the job, you pay no attorneys fees up front. Cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if you win or settle your case for money. Do not let the insurance company devalue your case, know what to do if you’ve been injured in a car accident. Get proper legal counsel today! Call 714-265-7526 for your free legal consultation with an experienced orange county car accident lawyer today!