Evaluating Personal Injury In Auto Accidents

Personal Injury In Auto Accidents
When evaluating personal injury in auto accidents, it is important to seek a comprehensive medical examination of the body parts suspected to be injured in the auto accident. The doctor who evaluates your personal injury will likely recommend x-rays at first, and then if subjective pain continues or the x-rays reveal objective issues, an MRI might be recommended. For issues that stem beyond orthopedic, visits to other medical specialists might be warranted. It will be up to your primary treating doctor to diagnose these persona injury issues and refer you to the appropriate medical specialist.
In addition to getting a comprehensive medical examination, evaluating personal injury in auto accidents requires the consideration of a comprehensive medical history report of the injured party. Following a personal injury auto accident, preexisting conditions could increase or decrease the value of your case. When there are prior medical conditions that were not worsened by the auto accident, no compensation is recoverable for those conditions. However, in the event a preexisting condition has become aggravated, requiring extensive medical attention or even surgery, compensation for medical bills and surgeries may be warranted. It is important to be absolutely honest with your doctor and lawyer from the start about prior medical conditions so that adequate histories can be taken and the personal injury can be evaluated accurately.

Personal Injury In Auto Accidents
Remember, all your medical bills and treatments will be heavily scrutinized by the insurance company. The insurance company knows about your prior
accidents and injuries or can discover them through investigation. Should the injured party be dishonest about injuries, the insurance company will contest medical charges and the claim as a whole. At trial, dishonesty is not rewarded by a jury. It is best to get all prior injuries and conditions out in the open so that your case can be evaluated in light of them from the beginning. This will give the attorney you hire the best chance to argue for and recover the maximum amount possible in your case to pay for your medical treatment and for your pain ans suffering.
Auto Accidents Always Require Legal and Medical Evaluating
When you are looking to recover money for personal injury in auto accidents, it is extremely important that both legal and medical issues are evaluated appropriately and extensively early in the case. From a legal perspective, you want liability to be on the other driver for the accident. From a medical perspective, you want your injuries to be legally and medically linked to the accident caused by the other driver. Just because you are not at fault does not mean you win your case. You must show that your injuries resulted from that accident and that your medical treatment, bills and provisions for future medical care are medically reasonable and necessary. Accordingly, it is highly important, regardless of how clear liability is for the accident, that you seek the representation of an auto accident injury lawyer early in your case to help build you case for maximum recovery. Absent appropriate legal and medical attention immediately after the accident and throughout the claims process, recovery in a lawsuit of the maximum amount becomes much more difficult, if not impossible.
Get A Personal Injury Evaluation For Your Auto Accident Now!
For a free legal consultation with experienced auto accident injury lawyer Alexander Napolin, all you need to do is call 1 (714) 265-7526. Mr. Napolin will come to the phone or call you back with 12 hours of your call to provide you with intelligent answers to your questions regarding your auto accident injury case. When you call Mr. Napolin, there is no obligation to hire him for your case. Once Mr. Napolin has evaluated your case, you can choose to hire him or not. When you choose to hire Mr. Napolin to take on the insurance company, you only pay him attorneys fees at the end of your case if you end up settling your case or winning in trial. Since all consultations are completely free and confidential, there is no reason to not get the advice you need and deserve from Mr. Napolin, who will speak with you personally right now if you call him! Or, if you prefer, complete a case evaluation form at AutoAccidentLawyerOC.com and Mr. Napolin will give you a call within 12 hours of your submission for a free consultation.